Children are stressed today more than ever. The worries of anxious children are exacerbated by 24 hour TV exposure to the grisly details of war, terrorist attacks, devastating tornado’s, tsunami’s, and other types of frightening events occurring around the globe. Perfectionistic children struggle with parental and/or self expectations to excel in whatever they do, including getting straight A’s in school, being popular, becoming a sports star, holding a school office, volunteering hundreds of hours to make their CV look good and getting a scholarship to an ivy league college. Many children and teens suffer from performance anxiety, panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder- which can also result in depression.
Biofeedback is a fun and challenging way for children of all ages to become more aware of excessive stress, fears, and worry and put things in the proper balance and perspective. It is non-invasive and utilizes computer technology and video games to help children get more in touch with their physical reactions to stress as well as the mental ruminations that keep them upset. They learn to recognize their body’s “fight or flight” response and take steps to short circuit their anxiety reactions. This not only makes a child stress less but also helps them overcome the failure associated with test anxiety, social anxiety, public speaking and other types of performance anxiety.