Social Skills Outings
Children in our social skills groups learn how to make friends, be a good sport, manage emotions, control anger, be assertive, solve problems, admit mistakes, and re-build their reputation. Once “acquisition” of these concepts is achieved, children often need more practice to enhance the consistent “performance” of their newly learned skills. Community outings at the Center for Social Success help children practice good public behavior such as table manners, taking turns, gift giving and receiving, showing appreciation, teamwork, taking turns, practicing patience, accepting “no”, and minding adults.
Children and teens are matched by issues, gender, age and/or social maturity. They are evaluated to determine the group that best fits their needs.
Outings are offered throughout the year- but most consistently during the summer months and over fall and spring break.
Group outings include:
- OUTDOOR PLAYGROUND TIME – Children meet at the park and practice using good social skills while taking turns on playground equipment, eating snacks, and playing games.
- COMMUNITY ADVENTURES – Children meet at a variety of locations, such as the pizza parlor, swimming pool, shopping center, and each others homes.
- BIOFEEDBACK DYADS – After children have mastered basic stress management techniques, they are challenged to play games and effectively resolve real life conflicts with a friend. Both children are simultaneously attached to biofeedback equipment to monitor their ability to manage self control and emotion regulation.
- MOVIE MAGIC – Adolescents attend specially selected movies together and reflect on the messages in the film as well as character traits and experiences with which they personally identify.