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Ask Dr. Susan – Peer Problems

Why do some children have problems making and keeping friends? Children at risk for peer problems are typically either shy and withdrawn or loud and aggressive. They may under or overreact to others because of their basic personality style, or because they have a tendency to be anxious, moody, or impulsive. Children with language delays, Continue Reading

Ask Dr. Susan – Behavioral Problems

What types of behavior problems are common among children? There are two basic categories of misbehavior: willful and non-willful. Willful misbehavior is when a child does something he knows he shouldn’t do, but does it anyway. Examples are physical assaults (e.g. hitting, kicking, etc) and verbal disrespect (e.g. screaming, arguing, refusing, and name calling). Non-willful Continue Reading

Individual Therapy

We use a short term, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) approach to help children, adolescents, and adults think more positively, act more productively, and feel more confident. Practical, effective strategies are identified to help people learn how to solve problems more effectively.

Adoption Issues

We provide assistance to promote normal parent-child bonding and address problems associated with Reactive Attachment Disorder.

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