Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Therapists at the Center for Social Success have extensive experience working with children who have attention and learning problems. We screen children for these problems and help families to obtain medical and educational evaluations to confirm the diagnosis and determine if school modifications, tutoring, nutrition counseling, and/or medication is needed.
We provide education to both the child who is diagnosed and their parents to help identify solutions to common problems, such as difficulty following directions, poor follow through on tasks, forgetfulness, low frustration tolerance, homework challenges, and difficulties in getting to sleep, waking up, and getting ready on time. We offer practical advice and encouragement regarding how to be most successful at home, school, and with friends. Specific home behavior plans are developed for parents and social skills groups are available to children.
Education and counseling is also available to siblings and grandparents to help everyone in the immediate and extended family better understand and maintain positive relations with the ADHD child.